Friday 11 October 2024

Quran Confirms Newly Discovered Secret Miracle of Jesus

The claim that Prophet Muhammad copied from earlier scriptures like the Bible has often been raised by critics. However, there are several instances in the Quran that describe events from the lives of past prophets, including Jesus, that were NOT known at the time, especially in Arabia, where Prophet Muhammad lived. These references prove it likely that he did not copy from Christian or Jewish texts, as many of these Dead Sea Scrolls were hidden for many centuries, such as the Gospel of Thomas and Book of Enoch, and only recently discovered.

One remarkable example of this is found in Surah Al-Imran (3:49), where Jesus, as a child, performs a miracle by creating a bird from clay and giving it life. This story was not part of the Bible, but interestingly, a newly deciphered papyrus from the Gospel of Thomas, discovered and analyzed by researchers, describes a similar miracle performed by a five-year-old Jesus . 

The Quran mentions:

 "And [make him] a Messenger to the Children of Israel: 'Indeed I have come to you with a SIGN from your Lord in that I design for you from clay [that which is] like the form of a BIRD; then I breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by permission of GOD." (Quran 3:49)

This verse shows a story that was generally unknown to  people during Prophet Muhammad's time. It was not part of the mainstream Christian canon, and only a recent discovery reveals its appearance in the Gospel of Thomas, a text that remained hidden for centuries. The miracle of Jesus creating birds from clay has now been confirmed by historical research, further supporting the authenticity of the Quran's divine revelation:

"The papyrus fragment tells of a miracle that Jesus performed when he was a child. In the story told in the fragment, "Jesus plays at the ford of a rushing stream and moulds twelve sparrows from the soft clay he finds in the mud. . . the five-year-old Jesus claps his hands and brings the clay figures to life," according to a statement from Humboldt University of Berlin." (LiveScience)

The Gospel of Thomas: Why Was It Excluded from the Canon?

The Gospel of Thomas had once been recognized as a Gnostic text, offering a different perspective on Jesus' teachings compared to the canonical Gospels of the New Testament. Some scholars argue that this text was left out of the canon not only due to theological differences but also because of internal disputes within early Christian communities (and possibly disciples). The Church had a vested interest in maintaining a uniform interpretation of Jesus' life and mission.

Additionally, as the early Church solidified its control over Christian teachings, it actively suppressed any books that did not align with its orthodoxy. Documents like the Gospel of Thomas were hidden or destroyed, often under the pretext of heresy. Similarly, the burning of books, including the famous Library of Alexandria, shows a pattern of historical revisionism where knowledge that didn't fit the narrative was eradicated.

A Deeper Question: Revelation or Coincidence?

The discovery of this ancient miracle in a text hidden for centuries raises a profound question: How could Prophet Muhammad have known about these events, which were unknown to his contemporaries? Did he receive divine revelation from the Holy Spirit (Gabriel), or was it simply a coincidence? 

Given the Quran's accuracy in describing this previously unknown event, many Muslims believe it affirms the Prophet's connection to divine guidance through the angel of revelation, Jibril (Gabriel). 

This example, among many others, strongly challenges the myth that Prophet Muhammad copied the Bible. Instead, it points to a higher source of knowledge beyond the historical limitations of his time. Has the Quran survived the test of time? 

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